Spectroscopy is definitely the "last frontier" for amateur astronomers and the spectrograph makes the difference between astronomy and astrophysics!
La espectroscopia es posiblemente la última y más atrevida frontera para los astronomos amateurs y el uso del espectrógrafo marca la diferencia entre Astronomia y Astrofisica!
The first spectroscope, just for visual usage
My first reference spectra lamps
Star Analyser, a good starting point for spectroscopy

NGC 1647 star cluster spectra throw a Star Analyzer diffraction grating
Basic optical layout of Tacande Observatory spectrograph

Antares (Alpha Scorpius) spectra + Neon reference spectra lines

Spectra of gamma Velorum, the most brighter Wolf Rayet star
Old reference lamps system, Ne, Kr and Glow starter lamps

Sigma Aquila a spectroscopic double

Spectrum of sigma Aquila around the H-beta line

sigma Aquila spectrum along 5 observing nights. Please note the "notch" on some H-beta lines due to secondary start Doppler shift
Adapting fiber optics to the spectrograph
Neon and Krypton calibrations lamps adapter to Fiber Optics 1/2
Neon and Krypton calibrations lamps adapter to Fiber Optics 2/2
Complete Fiber Optics Astropriorat spectrograph layout
New DADOS spectrograph layout 1/2
Fiber Optics Astropriorat spectrograph 1/2
Fiber Optics Astropriorat spectrograph 2/2
For more details on the
equipment and techniques used, see the page: Astronomical
Observatory Handbook on this blog
Para más información de
las técnicas y el equipo empleado, ver la página: Manual
del Observatorio Astronómico en este blog
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